Surprising Facts About Human Body

Monday, January 4, 2010

Jakarta, probably many people who do not know many secrets contained in the body. These facts probably never thought about before, but one would be surprised if known.

Human body from head, neck, trunk body, 2 arms and 2 legs are the overall physical structure of the human organism. The size of the human body is usually influenced by genes, and as an adult's body consists of 100 billion cells that are designed to support the functions of each organ such as cardiovascular, digestion, immunity, respiration, excretion, urination, musculoskeletal, neurological, endocrine and reproductive.

Because it is hidden facts unknown to many people about the body of a man, as quoted from HowStuffWorks, Wednesday (30/12/2009):

1. Humans release about 600,000 particles (cells) of skin every hour. Within a year there are about 1.5 pounds (0.75 kg) so that the average person will lose around 105 pounds (47.25 kg) of skin cells at the age of 70 years.

2. Number of bones. Adults have fewer bones than babies. As someone just getting started in life, there are 305 bones. But as the growth, then the adult man has only just 206 bones.

3. Sidik (lines) on the tongue. If you want to hide the identity, it should not be stuck out his tongue. Because similar fingerprints, every person has a unique tongue print is different.

4. New belly skin layer. Without realizing every human being has a new layer of skin, abdomen every 3-4 days. This is because the strong acid in the stomach is not only useful for digesting food, but also to erode the stomach lining.

5. The speed of a sneeze. Air is removed from the people who sneeze could have speeds up to 100 miles per hour (160.9 km / h) or more. Because it does not hurt to hold my nose when sneezing or someone near you who sneezed.

6. The length of blood vessels. Blood has a long line of work, because there are about 60,000 miles (96,540 km) of blood vessels in the human body. And the heart work harder to pump around 2,000 gallons of blood every day to all blood vessels.

7. The amount of saliva. Probably never imagined to swim in his own saliva. But this may be, because the lifetime of saliva a person produces an average of 25,000 liters.

8. Strength snore. Someone would be disrupted if the bed next to someone who snores. This is understandable, because snoring can reach 60 decibels is equivalent to the normal sounds of people talking. Some even reach 80 decibels is equivalent to the sound drilling machine.

9. Color and amount of hair. Hair color will help determine how much the number of hairs. Blonde hair color has 146,000 follicles (glands in the hair pocket), has black hair follicles, while 110,000 have brown hair follicle 100,000. Each follicle produces hair 20.

10. Heavy head. No wonder if a baby is hard to lift his head, because the weight of the newborn is a quarter of the total weight. While as adults, the weight of his head is only one-eighth of one's body weight.

Carbon dioxide gas can decrease the fat Network

Siena, injection of carbon dioxide (carboxytherapy) into the body can make fat cells shrink and can weight down. Fat tissue in the thighs and abdomen may shrink 2-3 cm after this therapy.

In a recent study, scientists from the University of Siena, Italy tried to inject carbon dioxide gas to the 48 women who have excess fat, especially on the thighs and abdomen. After the injection, the average turned out to participants experienced shrinkage in the thighs as much as 2 cm and in the stomach by 3 cm.

Technique to inject carbon dioxide gas or known by this carboxytherapy actually being used in some places to get rid of cellulite beauty. This technique had sparked controversy because a woman in America had died due to these therapies.

But researchers say that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the natural gas and non-toxic for cells produced by the human body itself. Only in a few minutes, treatment with carbon dioxide was reported to decrease the fatty tissue.

The mechanism is as follows, a syringe containing carbon dioxide gas inserted in the skin surface. Carbon dioxide gas will then diffuse into the blood vessels and surrounding tissue.

Blood vessels widen which will then eventually make blood flow more strongly and smoothly. The more smooth the flow of blood means more oxygen and nutrients into the body. And the more oxygen, the more carbon dioxide can kill fat cells.

Although the body can decrease the size but the therapy is not permanent and can not lower the risk of unhealthy options that arise from being overweight.

"Injection of carbon dioxide could reduce the fat under the skin but can not be overcome in the abdominal fat is a major cause of diabetes, heart disease and others," said Nick Finer of the University College London, as quoted from That's Fit, Thursday (31/12/2009 ).