Forming muscle by eating nuts

Monday, February 22, 2010

Snacked on white bean can actually help you lose weight by blocking the absorption of carbohydrates. Not to be interested also eat nuts? Here are some other healthy benefits that can push you include beans in your diet list.

Lower cholesterol

Try increasing your intake of nuts into your diet. One of them is through pea soup.

"Pea beans and other legumes species is a source of soluble fiber known to lower bad LDL cholesterol, the type of cholesterol that causes fat accumulation in the arterial wall," explained researcher Dr Susan Jebb of the Medical Research Council, was quoted as saying site.

In addition, soybeans and chickpeas (a type of pea) also contain plant sterols, molecules shown to decrease levels of bad LDL cholesterol and increase good cholesterol HDL.

Prevent lung cancer

Much evidence to show that a diet rich in legumes offer protection from lung cancer.

Researchers from the University of Texas found that a diet rich in nuts can lower the risk of lung cancer between 20 to 45 percent. According to the researchers, this protective effect comes from the content of phytoestrogens in the nuts.

This estrogen-like molecules attached to the receptor cells that resist the changes that trigger cancer in the body.

Balance hormones

British cancer researchers from reviewing a number of studies and found that women who eat soy-rich diet 60 percent risk of having a smaller high-risk solid tissue in the breast. This effect comes from the content of phytoestrogens in soybeans.

According to experts phytoestrogens from the University of St Andrews Dr Margaret Ritchie, the estrogen-like chemicals is 20,000 times weaker than natural estrogen.

"At this weak estrogen attached to the breast tissue, this component weakens the effects of estrogen from women themselves." In this way, continued Ritchie, phytoestrogens protect against hormone changes associated with cancer.

In addition, this molecule was also helpful during the menopause. This natural estrogen increase the supply persendiaan hormone estrogen is decreased.

Prevent colon cancer

Arcis beans and other types of peas are rich in fiber, which is very important to maintain healthy digestion, prevent constipation and protect against attacks colon cancer.

Study conducted Medical Research Council and Cancer Research in England involving half a million participants found that those who ate 35 grams of fiber a day risk 40 percent less colon cancer.

However, the cancer protective effect of nuts offered arcis and other legumes are much higher. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those who ate peas more than two times a week at risk 47 percent lower colon cancer.

This, according to the researchers, is caused by cancer repellent molecules contained in nuts. Such as beans, contain lectins molecules. Researchers from Imperial College London have found that these components can prevent colon cancer and even fight.

Muscle form

Carbohydrate-rich beans and protein. So eat lots of beans and peas arcis will help build muscle. White beans or red beans contain 21.4 grams of protein per 100 grams, whereas soybeans contain 31.4 grams.

"Although rich in protein, beans do not contain all the amino acids the body needs," explained Laura Wyness from the British Nutrition Foundation. So, to get all kinds of amino acids, try to combine beans with cereal, rice or pasta. (IK/OL-08)


Anonymous said...

Very good stories~~ Thanks for ur sharing~~!! ........................................

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