Nurul Ulfah - detikHealth
Bernstein, Bernstein Couples regularly eat together, walk hand in hand, and always start and closed the day with the words 'I Love You'. What makes the couple still romantic? Apparently it all started from the brain.
Couple from Sydney who had been married 18 years was still as excited the first time to meet.Researchers try to find out what makes the couple remained in touch with the intensive study of 16 couples with an average age of 20 years of marriage.
By using MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), researchers from Stony Brook University found between the brain kesamaaan married couples for many years with a new partner in love. It turned out that the brain is still as active, meaning of love is in the brain does not die.
"Many assume that love will be reduced and out with increasing time, but the participants who followed this survey disagree. Love never dies for them," says psychologist and study leader Arthur Aron, as reported by Thirdage, Monday (14/12/2009 ).
What distinguishes the love of timeless and enduring love?
According to Aron, the key is in the way of thinking in the brain. Harmonious couples always wanted to look good thoughts and best in front of his partner.
In the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington in the United States reported that the factors that continue to make love in a relationship consistently turns out a mindset in the brain.
"After the brain scan of a harmonious partner, was not found with anxiety or excessive fear of losing their partner. They just have a crazy attitude which is lower than other couples that are less harmonious," explained Professor Bianca Acevedo from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Researchers even found that the attitude of appreciation and a very active motivasilah develop in the brains of the couple harmony.
"The brain is as active when a person uses cocaine, but different parts of the brain associated with sexual stimulation," explains Aron.
Keith Davis, a professor of psychology at the University of South Carolina said that the intensity of emotion is the biggest investment in a relationship. So if you want to establish long-lasting love, do not ever rely on physical factors or sex drive alone.
"Couples who remain harmonious always celebrate successes together, doing new things together, communicate all things calm and motivate each other. That's the key. During this program the brain, love will never die," said Davis.
(Fah / ir)
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