More information is also written what benefits we can get if you stop smoking. First, by not smoking means that we reduce the risk of heart attack, lung cancer, chronic lung disease, obstructive, stroke, peptic ulcers, barriers fetal growth, pregnancy and birth disorders, impotence and infertility, and osteoporosis.
The disease is ready to attack us because in a single cigarette is at least 4000 chemicals, 400 of them toxic and approximately 40 of which can cause cancer. There are 3 of the most dangerous toxins, the nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide. Nicotine takes only 10 seconds to reach the brain makes us addicted.
Second, breathe more easily and have better stamina. Third, save us from spending to buy cigarettes. If we spend a day a pack of cigarettes, then approximately we will save Rp. 5,475,000 during the year. If more than a pack, the more savings we do.
Fourth, cost-saving treatment and insurance payments. Fifth, have a more clean teeth, breath, clothes, rooms, houses, and cars that do not smell.
Sixth, it is very important that by quitting smoking we save the people around us who do not smoke, especially children and our wives. Because the active smokers smoked only 25 percent of cigarette smoke from the burning tip, while the other 75 percent is given to nonperokok.
The children with parents active smokers breath disease risk, such as asthma, two times greater than children whose parents did not smoke. Prepare yourself to quit smoking should start with good intentions and strong motivation.
So, turn off your cigarette before you turn off cigarettes!
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