Honey has been consumed by the Spanish since 7000 BC, and until now the community is considered an important advance. Besides having a high nutritional value, honey cure various diseases. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, honey consumption level is still low.
Japanese society most widely known for honey compared with Asian countries, namely, achieving an average of 200-300 grams per person per year. Consumption of honey Swiss and German society even higher, ie 800-1500 grams per person per year.
What about honey consumption in Indonesia? Still low, about 10 grams per person per year. The low consumption of honey is caused by the attitude of the people who know honey only as traditional medicines, the price is relatively expensive and lack of knowledge about the honey.
Sweet taste of honey that comes from the juice or nectar of flowers collected, modified and bound by a specific compounds by the bees. Flower nectar sucked from various plants. Nutritional composition of honey depends on the nectar sources, the nature of the soil in which plants grow nectar sources, weather, degree of cooking and way of extraction. According to Francis G. Smith, who has cooked honey substances containing fructose (41%) glucose (35%) sucrose (1.9%), dextrin (1.5%), minerals (0.2%), water (17%) and substances other substances.
While vitamins are contained in honey include thiamin, riboflavin, biotin, ascorbic acid, piridoksin, niacin and pantothenic acid which amount depends on the type and quality of honey. For the protein content in honey is relatively small, averaging about 2.6%. Amino acids found in proteins of honey is alanine, asparagine, argirin, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, serine, theorin, valine, cysteine and proline.
Honey is the only sweetener that can be stored and used as a natural product with two kinds of major sugar content of fructose and glucose. The number two reached 85-95% of the total carbohydrates found in honey. One part of the volume of honey has a sweetness level of about 1.67 parts sugar.
Glucose can be absorbed into the bloodstream directly without going through the various processes, instead of fructose should be changed first into simpler components absorbed by the body before. Because honey is generally composed of fructose and glucose, honey is easily digested and used for cells, tissues, and organs to function normally.
In addition to taste sweet, in the honey there too sour. The level of acidity (pH) of honey around 3,4-6,1. PH values low enough honey is caused by the content of several organic acids, namely acid gluconate, acetate, butyrate, citrate, format, curse, malate, piroglutamat, and succinic acid.
Mineral content in honey is very diverse, but potassium is the major mineral deposits. Other minerals are sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and sulfur. Because the amount of minerals in relatively little honey, honey is not a major mineral resources to human dietary needs. However, the balance and the amount of minerals in honey near the amount contained in human blood. Therefore, minerals honey is an ideal source for the human body.
Honey is a potential food as bases. The elements are the alkaline potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium. Meanwhile, the acidic sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorine. The lack of acid-base balance will cause physiological disturbances that can reduce the body's immune system. To maintain the acid-base balance in the body, we need to take the honey on a regular basis.
Identify Types of Honey
Honey Floral
Floral honey is honey produced from the nectar of flowers. When the nectar of flowers came from a wide range of flowers, honey is honey produced polyfloral.
Honeydew Honey or Honey Dew
Honey produced from the liquid secretion of the insect hemipterous put sugar in the plant parts is called honey dew.
Artificial Honey
All the honey is produced from processed foods without artificial honey bee called. Artificial honey consumed by people who are allergic to honey bees, although the name of artificial honey, good nutritious and healthful. Artificial honey is made by grinding the fruit, then filter the juice condense with heating and packaging.
Royal Jelly (Honey Extract)
Royal jelly is the result of a worker bee glandular secretions that contain protein, fat, sugar, salt minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin H, and vitamin E. Sari honey or royal jelly contains a hormone that can stimulate gonadotropin reproductive organs and accelerate the queen bee to mature eggs. Sari honey also contains an antibiotic substance that is germisidin can prevent the growth of fungi and microorganisms. Royal jelly color white as milk.
Bee Pollen
Pollen from different types of flowers that is collected by bees and stored in the hive as a raw material for making honey is bee pollen. With various techniques, such pollen can be harvested before the process it into honey bees.
Japanese society most widely known for honey compared with Asian countries, namely, achieving an average of 200-300 grams per person per year. Consumption of honey Swiss and German society even higher, ie 800-1500 grams per person per year.
What about honey consumption in Indonesia? Still low, about 10 grams per person per year. The low consumption of honey is caused by the attitude of the people who know honey only as traditional medicines, the price is relatively expensive and lack of knowledge about the honey.
Sweet taste of honey that comes from the juice or nectar of flowers collected, modified and bound by a specific compounds by the bees. Flower nectar sucked from various plants. Nutritional composition of honey depends on the nectar sources, the nature of the soil in which plants grow nectar sources, weather, degree of cooking and way of extraction. According to Francis G. Smith, who has cooked honey substances containing fructose (41%) glucose (35%) sucrose (1.9%), dextrin (1.5%), minerals (0.2%), water (17%) and substances other substances.
While vitamins are contained in honey include thiamin, riboflavin, biotin, ascorbic acid, piridoksin, niacin and pantothenic acid which amount depends on the type and quality of honey. For the protein content in honey is relatively small, averaging about 2.6%. Amino acids found in proteins of honey is alanine, asparagine, argirin, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine, serine, theorin, valine, cysteine and proline.
Honey is the only sweetener that can be stored and used as a natural product with two kinds of major sugar content of fructose and glucose. The number two reached 85-95% of the total carbohydrates found in honey. One part of the volume of honey has a sweetness level of about 1.67 parts sugar.
Glucose can be absorbed into the bloodstream directly without going through the various processes, instead of fructose should be changed first into simpler components absorbed by the body before. Because honey is generally composed of fructose and glucose, honey is easily digested and used for cells, tissues, and organs to function normally.
In addition to taste sweet, in the honey there too sour. The level of acidity (pH) of honey around 3,4-6,1. PH values low enough honey is caused by the content of several organic acids, namely acid gluconate, acetate, butyrate, citrate, format, curse, malate, piroglutamat, and succinic acid.
Mineral content in honey is very diverse, but potassium is the major mineral deposits. Other minerals are sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus and sulfur. Because the amount of minerals in relatively little honey, honey is not a major mineral resources to human dietary needs. However, the balance and the amount of minerals in honey near the amount contained in human blood. Therefore, minerals honey is an ideal source for the human body.
Honey is a potential food as bases. The elements are the alkaline potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium. Meanwhile, the acidic sulfur, phosphorus, and chlorine. The lack of acid-base balance will cause physiological disturbances that can reduce the body's immune system. To maintain the acid-base balance in the body, we need to take the honey on a regular basis.
Identify Types of Honey
Honey Floral
Floral honey is honey produced from the nectar of flowers. When the nectar of flowers came from a wide range of flowers, honey is honey produced polyfloral.
Honeydew Honey or Honey Dew
Honey produced from the liquid secretion of the insect hemipterous put sugar in the plant parts is called honey dew.
Artificial Honey
All the honey is produced from processed foods without artificial honey bee called. Artificial honey consumed by people who are allergic to honey bees, although the name of artificial honey, good nutritious and healthful. Artificial honey is made by grinding the fruit, then filter the juice condense with heating and packaging.
Royal Jelly (Honey Extract)
Royal jelly is the result of a worker bee glandular secretions that contain protein, fat, sugar, salt minerals, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin H, and vitamin E. Sari honey or royal jelly contains a hormone that can stimulate gonadotropin reproductive organs and accelerate the queen bee to mature eggs. Sari honey also contains an antibiotic substance that is germisidin can prevent the growth of fungi and microorganisms. Royal jelly color white as milk.
Bee Pollen
Pollen from different types of flowers that is collected by bees and stored in the hive as a raw material for making honey is bee pollen. With various techniques, such pollen can be harvested before the process it into honey bees.
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