5 Trends in diet should not to do

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Streamline business entity, women in the front row. Because of the beautiful body is often so seductive, dietary variety was tested. However, some types of diet was necessary wary. Some of the following diets may not be familiar to you, but it could not hurt to be careful, right?

Raw Food

Eating raw foods is based on efforts to memporoleh majority of calories from foods that are not processed and cooked. The perpetrators of this type of diet believes that eating foods that are processed at temperatures above 46-47 º C will destroy the enzymes that provide many health benefits. While most agree that it is best to eat fruits, vegetables, and grains are minimally processed, food processing is the correct process can increase the nutritional content, in particular phytonutrient, and stop the activities of unhealthy bacteria.

Raw food diet consume lots of food-based plants, including fruits and vegetables; of nuts and seeds, and bean sprouts, wheat and beans. Food materials are very good indeed - and you can create different kinds of food from these materials. A number of materials to make creative food raw food diet may not be hard to find. But you might think some of the material which was very expensive and it was not too bad. Maybe we just can not run more than one day or at most two days.

Reducing calories may help you lose weight, but calories has nothing to do with the food cooked or raw. Instead, you eat more healthful foods full - cooked or raw - to help streamline your waist, not your wallet.


This is a diet with a number of very low calorie (500 to 800 calories per day) plus the injection of a pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Any diet that reduces calories to below 1000 calories is not safe, especially for beginners. And, you'll lose a lot of weight even though it was getting milk shake shot. Of course, the golden rule in the diet is the faster you lose weight, it will semaking sooner you get it back. In addition, scientists do not know whether hCG is safe to be injected into the body when the body does not produce it naturally.

Master Clean

In Southern California, there has been a huge trend in which dieters try to "purge" by drinking a mixture of lemon juice, maple syrup, and spicy red chili pepper (cayenne pepper) several times a day for 10 days, said Karla Campbell, MS, RD , a dietitian in Long Beach, California. Then at night they drink herbal tea that also serves as a laxative and a quarter cup of salt water in the morning. Both can cleanse the digestive system and your bowels. Needless to say, no study has shown that the digestive system and organs we need help in eliminating waste and toxins that collect in the body.

This diet contains only 650-1300 calories and lack many key nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron and zinc. So no one else dieticians suggest to undergo this type of diet for more than one or two days. Campbell also added a warning: people who undergo this type of diet will end with a loss of body fat mass. We are "clean" and return to their previous eating patterns, they'll come back fat. It may even be more fat than before.

Cabbage Soup Diet (and other similar vegetables)

In contrast to the rumors, this diet is not recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA); Sacred Heart Hospital Memorial in Spokane, Washington; or by any healthcare organization. In fact, the AHA and other organizations recommend a diet to control this trend.

Although there are several versions, all of which are seven-day cycle is based on taking all kinds of cabbage soup "fat burning" (a mixture of cabbage, carrots, celery, tomatoes, peppers, and onions). Because it consists of many vegetables that contain fluid and nutrition, the diet is not as bad as the other diets. However, if you enjoy food and enjoy life, you will not be able to survive in any type of diet that forbids the consumption of certain food groups or rely on one or two super foods for long periods of time.

Ear Stapling

A relatively new trend is based on the theory of acupuncture experts that an area of the ear can manage your appetite. The procedure is similar to the piercing of the ears, but the constant pressure on the "stomach" your ears will limit your appetite.

There is no research that suggested a link between ear stapling with weight loss, but there is much evidence that it can cause serious infections and changes shape. If you need is to control your appetite, then you better try to eat something that could work better, such as eating more fruits and vegetables than other foods.

source: www.conectique.com


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