Want to Eliminate Caffeine?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Many studies have been done to examine the health risks, and one was associated with caffeine consumption, first, believed caffeine raises blood pressure but now the researchers are not sure the relationship between caffeine consumption and blood pressure are.

Whatever your reasons for drinking and not drinking coffee, you may have heard cases where there are symptoms of headache, anxiety and even depression weak, whether these are all side effects of caffein or just suggestion?

Studies show that caffeine is functioning as a stimulant, and many health experts believe that caffeine is one of widespread obat2an. Caffeine can be described as a mild stimulant, and can increase the performance of the central nerve, which could make consumers can become more alert, but not increase their performance.

The main sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks, medical drugs adjuvant people to stay awake also contain caffeine. Intake per day is recommended is less than 300 mg a day, which is found in 2-3 cups of coffee a day

For those of you who've tried to eliminate caffeine from your diet will understand that this is not an easy task, those who stopped the caffeine in their diet often have side effects as above. The most effective way is to reduce the amount of caffeine intake in your body on a regular basis, this causes your body can adjust to changes in the amount of caffeine into your body.

Here are some tips from AMERICAN ASSOCIATION DIETIC to help reduce your caffeine consumption:

* Try to mix coffee with caffeine in coffee that does not contain caffeine (decaf)
* Increase the amount of milk in your coffee
* Subtract the time of your tea, so tea is absorbed into the drink does not contain too much caffeine
* Try to substitute the product with no caffeine, cola drink instead of cola, tea and herbal tea instead of black.



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