Weight Loss by eating regularly

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nurul Ulfah - detikHealth
Washington, keys to lose weight and have a better metabolism simply by eating it regularly. Researchers say, by eating regularly and empty the stomach for 8 to 12 hours, weight loss genes could come down and be better digestion.

More than 72 million American adults classified as obese and the number is expected to increase to 103 million in 2018. Obesity triggers many other diseases such as diabetes to stroke.

To reduce weight and the risk of obesity, the most effective mechanism according to the researchers is to eat regularly scheduled breakfast, lunch and dinner. Expert diet has long been recommended to eat regularly in patients.

Satchidananda Panda, a professor from the Salk Institute for Biological Studies have proved through experiments conducted on mice. Rats that ate regular food was better than the metabolism of mice who ate lightly. Mice that had a regular diet and then emptied his stomach for 16 hours to have better genes and consistent in burning calories.

The results of this study show that one should empty the stomach for 8 to 12 hours per day if you want a good metabolism and digestion. Panda also believe in feeding only between 8 am and 8 pm, a weight can be decreased.

In addition to regular eating, researchers also believe that a person should not control your sugar intake closely because it actually triggers a higher addiction to food.

"Long pause on the sugar intake could trigger a spending molecule corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which triggers feelings of anxiety, depression and addiction to food," said Pietro Cottone, pharmacologist from the Boston University School of Medicine, as reported by Forbes, Wednesday (16 / 12/2009).

The only way to not addicted is to avoid foods that since the beginning. "Humans have a biological desire to eat food, and it is our challenge to be able to control it," said Dr. Michael L Power, author of 'The Evolution of Obesity'. (Fah / ir)


Anonymous said...

I totally agree that losing weight means starvation! Every diet means eating regulary!

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