Exercise is HEALTHY?? It turned out it was wrong ... ..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My article this may open your eyes and your friends. Maybe you already realize the importance of regular exercise and proper diet. But some people I met, especially after chatting with some friends on Facebook, they say, is important I'm happy, I exercise regularly but I would still eat well. Why torture yourself with the diet. What's important is exercise, there are many others who do not exercise koq, means I've prioritize better health than those who do not exercise it? Was it really like that?

The reality is otherwise. For someone who is more like a priority sport that was more dangerous than not exercising at all. Surprising is not it?

You should know this formula: Free Radical + High Cholesterol = Rapid Plaque in the Artery.

Heavy exercise, will make our body creates a lot of free radicals. Free radicals can also be caused by many other things such as stress, pollution and many others. Free radicals cause a lot of damage in our bodies. Anti Oxidant you need enough of your diet to neutralize these free radicals.

When you do not want to control your diet, your diet contains lots of fried foods, high cholesterol, so when these Free Radicals met with Cholesterol will be turned into plaques that rapidly accumulate in your blood vessels and cause problems with your circulation. I'm sure you know what will happen after that right?

After knowing this, you masihkah argues that sport is more important than eating healthy? Only you can answer that now:)

Denny Santoso, S. Kom, SAC, Dip. CBA, Certified Sports Nutritionist
www.sportindo.com, www.dennysantoso.com


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